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Top Tips And Advice To Build Your Retirement Nest Egg

Retirement is supposed to be the most rewarding time of your life. You finally get to enjoy the benefits of all your hard work and saving. Of course, you can only enjoy these benefits if you actually save. Here are a few tips to help you model an appropriate retirement plan that you will enjoy.

Determine what your needs and expenses will be in retirement. Research has shown that most people need around 75% of their original income to continue being comfortable as they retire. For those with low income, it may be even higher.

Contribute as much money as possible to your 401k retirement plan. This plan is set aside to give you the most amount of money when you are no longer working. Talk with your employer and see the amount that they can match and max this out every paycheck that you have.

Set reasonable goals for retirement. Reaching too high in the sky can lead to disappointment if you do not have the resources to hit them in the first place. Set very conservative goals and increase them gradually as you hit them year by year. This will also prevent you from making rash decisions as you save.

Know how much money you will need for retirement. Experts agree that you will require 70 percent of your income to maintain the standard of living you are used to. By beginning to save early in life, you can assure that you have enough income to live comfortably during your golden years.

Invest up to $5,500 a year in an IRA. An IRA is an Individual Retirement Account. $5,500 is the most you can save any given year, unless you are over the age of 50. You’ll have the option of opening a traditional or a roth IRA. This decision is up to you entirely, but should be researched first.

Use one a retirement calculator to figure out how much money you need when you retire. You can find easy to use calculators online. After you input all the pertinent information, you will know how much you need to save in order to keep up your current standard of living.

Do you want to maintain the same standard of living that you have right now when you retire? If so, you are going to need around 80 percent of your pre-retirement income. Start planning now. The best way to begin is to start researching what you need to do in order to retire. Go to your local library and check out a few books.

Does the company you work for have a retirement savings plan in place? Make sure you put money toward that. It’s a win-win situation, as you will have money for your future and you can lower your taxes at the same time. Get the details on whatever plan is offered and figure out how much you want to put in.

If possible, consider putting off tapping your Social Security benefits. When you wait, you can count on collecting a larger monthly payment. If you have other income or retirement funds, this is easier to do.

Learn some interesting hobbies that you can continue when you retire. You will have a lot of time on your hands during your golden years. Hobbies and classes will keep your mind sharp and energy going. Something like art and photography are popular choices because they are not too physically demanding.

Don’t be afraid of your retirement, it’s a time to rejoice. Remember though, you have to save if you want to play. Small amounts here and there do make a difference, so keep your chin up and keep saving. These tips will help you save better, but they won’t do the work for you.

If you want to learn more about preparing for your retirement, get a behavioral finance advisor. Contact Satovsky Asset Management at satovsky.com.